We spent Wednesday in Charleston. The real newsflash is that we *didn't drive* anywhere the entire day! Amazing! We had a relaxing morning and then took the [water taxi](http://www.charlestonwatertaxi.com/) to Charleston. We had great barbecue for lunch at [Jim n' Nicks](http://www.jimnnicks.com/) and in the afternoon we went to the [South Carolina Aquarium](http://www.scaquarium.org/).

Mazie didn’t dig the water taxi in the morning. It was her very first time on a boat and when we got going she got scared. She overcame her concerns quickly though and on the ride back over in the afternoon she sat in her stroller on her own the whole way over like a champ.

The aquarium was nice. They have the tallest glass wall in the country in their huge reef tank. It’s a full two stories tall. At the bottom of it, it looks pretty immense. The picture on the right shows the wall. For scale, that is 20 feet tall. I’m excited to see the aquarium in Atlanta on our way home. It’s wall isn’t as high, but it’s 60 feet wide.

Go to day: 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37 or East Coast Adventure collection.