Let me introduce myself. I’m 52 and am married to Tammy, an amazing woman. We have two fabulous kids, Mazie and Tyler. I love being a Dad. It’s the best thing ever. We have a Bernadoodle named Lucky who is 3 years old and just over 60 pounds. She is a slightly clumsy, neurotic, bundle of love.

I like to explore new things. The result of that is that I have too many hobbies. I would consider myself an amateur photographer. I’m an avid blogger at thingelstad.com where I write about whatever I feel like. I am fanatical about the Big Green Egg. I am a lucky member of the R/W Book Club. I’m a supporter of the open web and support Wikipedia, Creative Commons, Archive.org and the EFF. I also write the Weekly Thing where I share comments and perspective every week.

I’ve been a CTO for a long time. I’ve learned a lot about serving big, mission critical applications on a global scale. I was the founding CTO for BigCharts. We were bought by MarketWatch and I was CTO there while we did some awesome stuff. Then MarketWatch was bought by Dow Jones where I also then had a CTO role. A lot of changes, all without moving offices. Now I’m CTO for SPS Commerce. I am also a board member at the Minnesota Technology Association, and was previously on the board of Minnestar and CaringBridge.

A note on pronunciation: Thingelstad is with a “hard g”, so pronounced like “thing” then “el” followed by “stad”.

My professional bio is also available. Please reach out if you would like to contact me! If you are curious about how this site works, please see the colophon.

Last updated May 2023.