Family & Friends

These websites are all ones that you would identify with a person, and in this case people that are family or friends.

  • Tammy Thingelstad: My lovely partner in this journey of life. She rarely blogs but keeps this site around to occasionally share some of her observations.
  • Mazie Thingelstad: My daughter is not an active blogger but also has her own site that she’s posted on a couple of times.
  • Tyler Thingelstad: My son’s site does get some activity, mostly around things we have done as a family or various projects he is doing.
  • Rambling Josh: My cousin Josh has published a column in the Burke County Tribune for over 20 years and he now also has these published on the web. Best experienced by subscribing to the twice monthly posts via email.
  • Jim Bernard: My friend Jim shares photos and events on his site.
  • Hadar Pedhazur: My friend Hadar has had a blog for many years and comes and goes with it. He publishes longer articles usually diving into projects that he is pursuing.
  • Leah Cunningham: Leah shares a lot of photos from her encounters in the world.
  • Luke Francl: Luke is one of the founders of Minnebar and is still an active blogger. His annual reading list posts are great.
  • Rajiv Pant: Rajiv is a fellow CTO and posts insightful and interesting things regularly.
  • David O’Hara: I met David through a mutual friend and he occasionally shares some of this writing with the world here, although is more active on social media.
  • Patrick Rhone: Patrick is a renaissance man filled with wisdom and posts regularly on this blog as well as others.
  • Annie Mueller: Annie shares updates from life and is one of the more “raw” writers that I follow.
  • Barry Hess: Barry is a fellow Minnesota technologist and father. He’s on a fun journey building Good Enough and related services.
  • Bhaskar Ramanasundaram: I met Bhaskar through business but got to know him well when we travelled in India. He writes semi-regularly on his site.
  • CJ Chilvers: CJ is a well respected newsletter specialist and a great blogger.
  • Garrick Van Buren: Garrick is a longtime friend that occasionally shares on his blog.
  • Lee Zukor: Lee is a fellow Minnesotan and product leader who keeps an infrequent and well written blog.
  • Matt Norman: Matt is a business leader and writes a very professional site that I fairly regularly will highlight in the Weekly Thing.
  • Quinn Chrest: My cousin Quinn is a technologist in the Twin Cities and has started a blog with a little nudge from me.


These sites are fun things to put a smile on your face. Often hobbies or personal projects that individuals are creating.

  • Weekly Thing: My own weekly newsletter!
  • Road Sign Math: The relaunched version of my website that focuses on mathematically significant road signs!
  • Five Things on Friday: I’ve followed James Watley’s newsletter for years now and it is still one of my favorite weekend reads.
  • People and Blogs: Wonderful newsletter that highlights different blogs and the people behind them.

Blogs I Follow

These are blogs that I follow but I don’t know these folks other than as a reader.

  • AVC: Fred Wilson is a venture capitalist and has been publishing this site for decades and it is probably one of the longest running feeds in my feed reader.
  • Brad Feld: Venture investor that shares regularly on a variety of topics.
  • Allen Pike: Technology founder that writes some very insightful things.
  • Simon Willison: Willison is a frequent poster and shares a ton of technical things that I find interesting.
  • Tim Bray: Bray is a now retired technologist that notably was at Google and AWS. He is a proud Canadian and photographer. This is a great blog to follow and learn from.
  • Dave Winer: Winer is the creator of RSS and one of the original bloggers that defined the form.
  • Doc Searls: Doc Searles has been blogging since 1999 and is one of the original proto-bloggers of the form.
  • Om Malik: Om was the founder of GigaOm, one of the first blogs to become a business. He is also a great photographer and a true blogger.
  • Michael Tsai: Tsai shares these recap posts on topics that are thorough and is a fairly unique approach to blogging. Mostly around technology.
  • Seth Godin: Godin is a marketing thought leader and his daily posts are must reads for me.
  • Daring Fireball: Gruber has been writing Daring Fireball for a long time, one of the more successful blogs particularly for Apple News.
  • Kottke is one of the biggest blogs out there and I find what he shares interesting as well as how he is evolving for format.
  • All Things Distributed: Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon, has a good blog although for the last several years I suspect it isn’t him as much as paid writers at Amazon creating the content. The archive has some real gems though.
  • Jeff Atwood: Atwood is one of the founders of Discourse and a blogger that I wish published more.
  • Derek Sivers: Sivers was the founder of CD Baby and has been on a super interesting path that he shares on his site. He also created Now pages.
  • Vitalik Buterin: Buterin is the creator of Ethereum and the most cogent writer I follow on blockchain and how this technology can be used.
  • Lyn Alden: Alden is a macro economist and Bitcoin enthusiast. I find her writing very interesting and well done.
  • MacSparky: David Sparks has been blogging about the Mac for a long time, and his field guides are one of the few resources I pay for to learn more about different applications. He’s my OmniFocus mentor.
  • Will Larson: Larson has written multiple books about technology leadership and is very insightful. He writes openly on his blog, in a way publishing the ideas as he forms them on his blog before they show up in the next book.
  • Manuel Moreale: Manu writes and advocates for the kind of web I want to make sure is preserved. He is also the creator of People and Blogs.

Last updated in August 2024.