Texas Hellweek 2001
Hellweek Odometer: 650 miles!
Other fun stats:
- 42 energy bars
- 17 shots of carb gels
- 26 food bars
- 29 bananas

Here is a crude map of the Texas “hill country”. Right in the center of the map you can see Fredericksburg, this is ground zero for Hellweek.
Training program begun for Hellweek. Doing spinning classes two to three times a week to work on interval training (speed and hills). Spending a lot of time on the trainer getting “saddle time”, between 5 to 10 hours per week to start with. Also looking to drop some more weight before the event, any weight dropped is weight I don’t have to pedal up those hills.
March 2, 2001:
Did a long ride in a reprieve from the horrendous winter and got to do a decent gear test.
March 3, 2001:
Did another gear test, this time got all the data captured that I’m looking for.
March 10, 2001:
Day 1 of Hellweek, LBJ Ramble!
March 11, 2001:
Day 2 of Hellweek, The Harper Image.
March 12, 2001:
Day 3 of Hellweek, Southern Comfort.
March 13, 2001:
Day 4 of Hellweek, Fred’s Ride. Disappointing today, blew out my tire!
March 14, 2001:
Day 5 of Hellweek, Born to Boerne. Tough, tough day.
March 15, 2001:
Day 6 of Hellweek, The Leakey Death Ride. I SURVIVED!
March 16, 2001:
Day 7 of Hellweek, The Rollercoaster.