- Feeling fairly stupid having trouble migrating to WP 2.5 built-in avatar support and ditching Gravatar plugin. Ugh.
- Avatar success! Magic is:
<?php echo get_avatar($comment, '50'); ?>
and it does everything, entire IMG tag. - I cannot even begin to express how much I love the Search Regex WP plugin. It has saved me hours!
- A little overwhelmed by how much cleanup work I need to do on my blog. Not WP 2.5 related, just years of messy junk.
- Changed my whole permalink structure and have done everything I can to make it right. Wondering how much of a hit I’ll take from Google.
- Updating Vista to SP1. Wish me luck. I feel I’m going to need it.
- Vista SP1 Dialog: “The installation might take an hour or more. Your computer will restart several times during installation.”
- Vista SP1 is now back to Stage 1/3. Goofy. 9% complete. “Do not turn off your computer.” (or you will die.)
- Vista SP1 Stage 1/3 now at 65%.
- Vista SP1 Stage 1 done. Now Stage 2/3 at 3%.
- Vista SP1 update made it through stage 2/3. Had a 30 second moment where everything was just black and freaked me out. But chugging along.
- Vista SP1 Stage 2 done. Onto Stage 3. 0% complete. Seems smooth so far, except a few extended black screens.
- Vista SP1 Stage 3 flew by, done. Login prompt!
- Now happily on Vista SP1. Seem to have passed through the dark side of the moon and am now safe again.
Why is it so predictable that the one button Mazie would be most obsessed with on my MacBook Pro is the POWER button.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
The question isnt if, but to what extent, I’m addicted to the Internet.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
I wish time didn’t go so very fast when I’m jamming on my laptop in the evening.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
Life Tip #845: Completely finish the electrical wiring work on your aquarium before filling it with water and putting fish in it. Ugh!
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
Flashback: The Day Webfront Died
I’ve been cleaning up some old, old files on my machine and have run into some really fun stuff. I’ll have a few posts with some of this stuff.
Here is a fake homepage for MarketWatch that was created by our editorial team in San Francisco on the day that webfront died. You see, in the ancient days, MarketWatch had one publishing server called webfront, and one day it died. It was never coming back and that sucked. We couldn’t publish anything. We had been working on other solutions and those got an immediate boost that day. In the matter of 24, or 36, or 48 hours – the number seems to get bigger with time – we put in place a whole new system for publishing content.
The pictures of me sleeping on my couch and Chris in his chair were taken after an all-night slog to restore publishing. Oh, those were the days.
At a dinner with at least 10 doctors. Tempted to stab myself with a knife to see some action.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
Mazie to Dad using iPhone, “Dont do that.”, pointing at the iPhone.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
Just baked three loaves of banana bread. Yum.
Chase just ate half-loaf of banana bread off the counter!
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
Just calculated that I have 7,624,000 pixels on my desktop.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
Back in hotel room. TV doesn’t work in this room. I find the failed TV more annoying than I think I should. Listening to Pandora instead.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
Holy crap! Apple TV’s now show up as AirTunes remote speakers. How cool! Just had 3 systems all playing the same music from my desktop.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
Confluence Case Study

A case study was just posted at the Atlassian website on the use of the Confluence wiki solution at work. Some nice quotes from me in it, and the story on how we’ve been using Wiki’s. It leaves out some of the longer history though. The Wiki use really started in MarketWatch long before Dow Jones bought us, and then spread when people saw how effective the technology was.
Nice writeup though. No big errors in it like these things can have so often.
Having lunch with Mazie at Yum!
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
At the Dolphin Show with Mazie!
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
Watching Charlotte’s Web with Mazie.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
I need a ship.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.
Sitting at my desk, sweating. Thinking about how much I hate our office space. Around 83 °F in office.
One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.