We took turns hitting a couple hundred balls at Batting Cages of Minnesota. ⚾️

We had a great time at the Mediterranean Small Plates class at Kitchen Window. It was the first party-style participation class we’ve taken and it was a lot of fun!

Just finished Season 2 of Succession! Some awesome TV. Can’t wait for Season 3!

We went to Parasite tonight. Wikipedia calls it a “black comedy drama thriller”. Very original story, good movie. 🎬

Went to Spies in Disguise today. Pretty fun movie. 👍🎬

We had a fun time at Puzzleworks today. Attempted the Vault and didn’t get it done, but it’s also designed for 10 adults. Parallelism required. There were a lot of puzzles. Well done room!

Lasagna assembly, before and after. 👨‍🍳🇮🇹

My glass fusing is ready to be fired.

Driving north on I-35 and clearly this car didn’t see us at all.

Put together one of the boards on the Pinbox 3000 the kids got for me. The action is surprisingly good for cardboard and rubber bands!

Watched The Peanut Butter Falcon. Very good movie. Great story. 🎬

Trial run for my new crêpe maker this morning. Tried to get my French on as much as possible! Crêpe au Chocolat anyone? 🇫🇷

Went to Little Women. Mazie loved the costumes and everyone enjoyed the story. 🎬

Watched Toy Story 4. It was a great end to such a ground breaking and well told story. 🎬

Enjoying Trekking The National Parks, new board game! Great for family and very fun that it is about the National Parks! 🥾🌲

Getting some final Christmas movies in for the season. Watched Klaus! Great story, good movie.

Just got Tesla 2019.40.50.1 installed. This looks like a big update! Need some time tomorrow to go over all the release notes. 🎁

The kids made a periodic table of me! So great! 🤩

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Got my BUG-A-SALT 2.0 for Christmas! Bring it on houseflies! Salt spray pattern on tinfoil is pretty tight. 🤣