
    Adrienne Peirce and I were honored to be recognized for 9 years as Founding Board Members of Minnestar. We finish our board service at the end of this year, along with Kevin Spreng, who wasn’t able to be there tonight. It’s been an honor to be part of this organization!

    Minnedemo tonight was absolutely fabulous. Such a great variety of demos! A couple apps I installed while watching the demo!

    Crowd queuing up for Minnedemo 33 at the Riverview Theater!

    Minnestar board strategy and future planning session! Great group and an amazing community! 👍

    Minnebar 14

    Minnebar 14 kicking off! Looking forward to learning a ton again this year! 💙 this event, organization, and the community that makes it!

    Great energy going into Session 0 at Minnebar 14! Record registrations!

    We have a growing, thriving technology community in the Twin Cities and Minnebar is an integral part of that community! I’ve been lucky to be involved with this organization since the beginning and love that SPS Commerce is a terabyte sponsor!

    Good Session 0 at Minnebar 14 with a wake-up call from Sharon Kennedy Vickers on the issues that come from a lack of diversity in technology, and what we can do to improve as an ecosystem!

    Good Minnebar open session on Product Management with Adrienne Peirce, Shawn Heller, and Jeremy Moede. Lot of knowledge sharing!

    See also Minnebar collection.

    Minnedemo 30

    Excited for Minnedemo 30 tonight! And always proud to have SPS Commerce as a Terabyte sponsor!

    Goodbye to my friend, David Hussman

    The last time I saw my friend David Hussman we met at Red Wagon Pizza and enjoyed an extended evening of pepperoni pizza and several glasses of a delicious red wine. We initially sat inside to avoid some scattered rain, but then transitioned outside to enjoy a gorgeous evening, great wine and even better conversation. Like most times that David and I got together the conversation never had a gap and flowed all over the place.

    I commented to David that he seemed remarkably well. It had been well over a year since David called to let me know about his cancer diagnosis. When he called he was talking weeks and months. Here we were drinking glasses of wine and laughing well over a year later. He was sharing stories of his recent trip to Italy with his family. It sounded amazing and I could almost be fooled into thinking that David wasn’t sick. But he definitely was.

    I first met David when I was CTO for MarketWatch. One of the engineers on our team knew him and figured he could help us out with some of the things we were doing. I instantly liked David’s insight, his directness and ability to see through the messy stuff and get right to the problem.

    David and I were able to combine forces several times over the next 25 years. We had what I would describe as a mutual mentor relationship. One of us would often ping the other with the vague request to get some “hang time” and talk through some topic that was on our mind.

    David was always understated. His work to bring agile methods to companies was exceptional, and as a thought leader and speaker his stage was global. He presented at conferences around the world and brought a tremendous amount of energy and fun to the sessions. I enjoyed every talk I ever saw David give. There are dozens of them on YouTube if you never got the chance to see him present. I was really excited when he agreed to give the Keynote at Minnebar 9.

    Often times I thought it would be fun to build something with David, maybe do a project or something. Both of us were always busy with family and work things that pushed that off. I tried to get him to join my book club at one point but he deferred, citing his busy travel schedule.

    The last year I was able to connect with David on a more regular basis. A terminal cancer diagnosis provides some urgency. He approached his cancer with an amazing resilience. I can’t even imagine how hard such a thing is, but from what I could tell his approach to life made the time he got at the end so much better.

    David was often referred to as The Dude, in an admirable reference to The Big Lebowski. He even coined his own law, Dude’s Law, that Value = Why / How. In life David always seemed to have a good handle on Why, and he kept his How pretty damn simple. The rest worked out as best as it can.

    You will be sorely missed Dude! v5.6.50

    Here are some additional items I’ve indexed remembering David.

    Great Minnestar board meeting today! Lucky to be part of a great organization helping to connect the Twin Cities technology community. 🙌

    Minnebar 13

    Today I went to my 13th Minnebar — I haven’t missed one yet! For the first time ever we had a blizzard to contend with. Usually Minnebar is competing with the first great days of spring. This year, we were worried if people could get to the event because of the snow. This was also the first Minnebar for our new Maria Ploessl, our new Executive Director, to take the lead on. The event went off great, with more coordination than the last couple of years.

    The sessions I went to today at Minnebar.

    • Computers Are Easy; People Are Hard with Bridget Kromhout
    • Propelling More Women into the Ranks of Engineering Leadership with Ashley Monseth, Rebecca McCann-Young, Ethan Sommer, Cailin Wertish, and Millicent Walsh
    • Blogging for Fun…..and Profit? with Chris Moffitt
    • Web 3.0: Blockchain May Provide Us the Most Human Version of the Web with Matt Bauwens
    • Pragmatic intro to functional programming with David Price
    • Docker 101 with Rebecca McCann-Young
    • Building Sandcastles with Leah Cunningham

    Here are some pictures from some of the sessions I went to.

    See also Minnebar collection.

    Minnebar lunch panorama.

    Had a great time at my 13th Minnebar today! 🌟

    Join me in supporting Minnestar and the Twin Cities technology community by becoming a Community Supporter. As a board member, we are matching the first $10,000 in donations over the next 100 days! Donate today!

    Bridget Kromhout kicking off Minnebar 13 Session 0. 👏

    Three new board members joining the Minnestar board! Great to have more talented people driving this organization forward! 👏

    Great Minnestar board meeting today. It’s very rewarding to think about how far this organization and the events have come. More good things on the horizon! I’m honored to get to be part of such an impactful non-profit!

    Missing Minnedemo tonight — coached Tyler’s soccer and home stuff. Have a great event!

    Currently tweaking Minnestar DNS settings! Don’t mess it up! 🤞🏻😊

    Great Minnestar board meeting today! Very exciting things in the works over the next few months! 👍🏻

    Minnebar 12

    Session 0

    • Punk Rock/Computing
      • Break the rules
      • Simple, fast
    • Point of view is worth 50 IQ points - Alan Kaye

    Minnebar 12 on Minnebar

    • Random
    • History
    • Ideas on future opportunity

    Zen and the Art of Agility

    • Nice Sps plug
    • Why agile?
    • Culture > Strategy
    • Why not time tracking?
      • Software is not deterministic
    • Where is agile right? Predictive v Adaptive v Reactive. Also, very much cost of refactoring

    Blockchains are coming!

    • Quick overview of bitcoin but focusing more on applications of blockchain

    Introduction to Functional Reactive Programming

    • Reactive overview
    • Functional overview
    • Good summaries and examples of approach

    So you don’t hire Jr. Devs? Tell me more

    • Weird discussion.
    • Totally missing the mark on negative unemployment.
    • Commitment dialogue. Yikes.

    Privacy for Everyone

    • Fine session. Pretty basic advice.

    Communicating When Stuff Is Going Wrong

    • How to communicate bad stuff.
    • This will be final update on this incident.
    • Do not communicate time to repair. Don’t agree with that for production items.

    See also Minnebar collection.

    A Minnebar Ticketing Proposal

    I’ve recently put some thought into how tickets are managed for Minnebar and Minnedemo. I’ve been very close to these events for a long time, and on the board for several years now, while our ticketing process has remained relatively unchanged over that long time.

    The Problems

    Why spend cycles thinking about the ticketing issue? I think there are some large problems with the way that tickets are managed.


    The ticketing process encourages people to act immediately upon issuance and get tickets since they will all be taken immediately. Often people will take a ticket before they have even made sure they can attend. This timeliness requirement unfairly penalizes people that are occupied and not watching Twitter at that exact moment.

    Understanding Churn

    The current process reduces our ability to understand how many people have stopped going to our events. We routinely see a high number of “first-time” attendees, and along with that a high amount of churn. Is the churn because people weren’t ready the second that tickets came out, or because they don’t want to come?


    Many tickets go unused. We manage around this by predicting what percentage of tickets will be unused, but it is more art than science. The rushed nature of ticketing may decrease redemption rate as people just jump on tickets as quick as possible.

    Quantify Demand

    All of these events “sell out” (to the extent a free event can sell out) within minutes. This removes our ability to know the true demand for the events. If 800 tickets are picked up within 15 minutes of release, how many people wanted to go? 900? 3,000? That is anyone’s guess.


    When considering how to better manage tickets, it is important to consider some limitations.

    Identity Is Unknown

    There are numerous ways to manage ticket redemption that would focus on reputation. Mainly this is a means to solve redemption and put rules in place such as not being allowed a ticket if you don’t use the last three tickets.

    Cannot Be Complex

    We’ve entertained some options that avoid identity and reputation but encourage careful assignment of tickets. The most commonly referenced one is to use some form of a cash deposit. For example, you would pay $5, $10 or $20 to get your ticket to the event and that money would be refunded back to you when you show up at the event. This would certainly reduce the number of unused tickets but at the cost of managing a significant amount of complexity and risk.


    Before looking at the proposal let’s recap from above what our requirements are:

    1. The solution must not require managing identity. You cannot know a ticket holder from one event to another.
    2. The solution would ideally allow us to understand how many people would like to come to an event.
    3. The solution would be able to manage preferential access for certain groups.
    4. The solution would allow for improving the precision of “no shows”.

    It is important to note that while “no shows” are something to consider, I believe it is a lesser problem than understanding the true demand for the events, churn and making the ticketing process more equitable.


    Taking these objectives into place, I propose the following ticketing process.

    Phase 1: Get in line!

    First thing, get in line. Rather than distributing tickets in groups we propose everyone get in a line (or list) to attend. This line opens up at a prescribed date and time, and anyone and everyone that wants to come to the event would then get in line. The line will close at another prescribed time, but as long as the line is open more and, more people can get in line.

    This line dampens the urgency to take immediate action. Please note though that Phase 3 does reward people for getting in line early. It is valuable to the organization to get a sense of demand quickly, so getting people in line sooner is a good thing. However, no matter when you get in line you may get a ticket.

    Phase 2: Priority Access

    Once the line is complete and closed we then deal with priority access. There are some groups that get priority access to the events and are guaranteed a ticket:

    • Volunteers: Anyone volunteering at the event.
    • Community Supporters: Individuals (not companies) in the community that have donated $100 in the last 12 months.
    • Sponsors: Packages get different numbers of tickets. If you are in line under one of those slots you get a ticket.
    • Students: We look to encourage high school students to attend our events, and wish to give them priority access.

    Once these special groups have priority access, we’ve used some of the tickets and now have a smaller line.

    Phase 3: Ticketing Groups

    The remaining line is now divided into groups. This is where some further math and heuristics could be applied to better manage tickets over time. For now, just assume that all these numbers are potential variables and you could optimize the solution over time.

    Take the remainder of the line, let’s say there are 1,000 people still left, and for easy math put them in 5 groups of 200 people.

    Each one of these groups is then ticketed. Remember that these groups are in the order they got in line, so the early people are in the front and the last person to get in line is at the end in position 1,000.

    We also at this point know how many tickets were assigned to priority access groups and can make a determination about their “no show” rate. Likely those groups have a very high redemption rate, so assume most are used. The remaining tickets will be assigned to the five groups of 200 people in a decreasing percentage. All of the people in group 1 get tickets. 70% of the people in group 2 get tickets. 40% of the people in group 3 get tickets and so on until we get to something like 10% of people in group 5 getting tickets.

    Over time these groups may be able to provide more accurate data on redemption, and we may know that Group 1 people redeem tickets at a higher rate than Group 5 so we can assign more tickets in Group 5 knowing more will go unused.

    Additionally, it is important that any tickets that get returned before the event, when people realize they cannot come and notify us of that, should be returned to the group it was assigned to. So, if a person in Group 3 returns there ticket, it should go to another random person in Group 3. This could be managed by creating different classes or types of tickets for each group. If there are no people left in that group without a ticket, like Group 1, then flow the returned ticket to the next group in line.


    This may seem complex at first, but I think the implementation could be reasonable. Eventbrite could still be used to get in line but getting a “Line Ticket”. The list of registered email addresses could then be manipulated with a small program to do the rest.

    I do think that this would meet our goals of:

    1. Understanding true demand for the events.
    2. Allowing special access to some groups.
    3. More fairly assigning tickets to the remaining people.
    4. Minimizing the urgency around ticketing.
    5. Optimize “no show” management over time.

    Very importantly this would also help us understand people that stop coming to events. If you get in line we know you want to come, but if you don’t get in line many times in a row you are deciding our events aren’t worthwhile and we’d like to know that.

    If you have suggestions or comments contact me. If you would like to help solution this that would be great too!

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