Today was one of the biggest days of the year for the technology community of the Twin Cities — Minnebar 18! Once again Best Buy Headquarters was a gracious host sponsor and Minnestar welcome over 1,000 passionate technolgies to partake in at least 80 sessions led by members of the community. Tyler and I had a great time and attended many sessions.

The main room as the day gets kicked off.

Minnebar 18 t-shirts ready! They look amazing!

Ran into Colin Hirdman who had this incredible display integrated with his shirt.

One of our sessions learning about LLM techniques.

Steve Buchanan introducing himself as he gets Session 0 (aka Minnebar Keynote) going.

Very, very long line for pizza.

Great to see Maria Boland Ploessl, Benjamin Ortega, me, Jeff Sellner, Tony Collen, and Adrienne Peirce.

The session we attended Retro Hardware.

SPS Commerce is a terabyte sponsor of Minnestar!

We didn’t get everyone, but several of #TeamSPS got together for a team photo at Minnebar 18!

👋 Awesome community members that I got to say Hi to at Minnebar (incomplete and unordered)…

Bridget Kromhout, Nate Anderson, Levi McCormick, Jeanette Dorazio, Justin Porter, Casey Helbling, Paul DeBettignies, John Roberts, Jenna Pederson, Colin Hirdman, Samantha Grumdahl, Matt Decuir, Gordon Raup, Maria Boland Ploessl, Adrienne Peirce, Jeff Sellner, Tony Collen, Benjamin Ortega, Corwin Diamond, Bode Falade, Mark Gritter, Nikki Riemersma, Jim Bernard, Pete Clark, Tor Flatebo, Tori Peraza, Melissa Buening, Jade Barker, David Duccini, Peter Edstrom, Graeme Thickins, Molly Doyle, Robert Weber, John Murphy, John Kelly, and Robert Speer.

See also Minnebar collection.