Edina Art Fair 2023
We endured the very hot afternoon and visited the Edina Art Fair. This is one of our favorite art fairs every year. Some of the artists that caught our eye while we were there:
- Mark Eliason: These graphic pieces captivated me right away. The “John Wick” one had me staring at the detail for a long while.
- Neil Russell: Abstract art with intense colors and very pronounced textures.
- Wired by Bud: These wire sculptures were cool and made us all smile.
- Wenwen Liao: Incredibly artwork with cool scenes that sparked the imagination.
- Roth Illustration: These pieces were impressive and I loved how the people and shapes blended in with the wood and the scene.
- Bloom Key Papercrafts: These were really cool but hard to display as they are lit frames and that is difficult to show in the bright sunlight of an art fair. The scenes were really great and the lighting effects were well done.
- Barret Lee: I liked these paintings a lot.
- Faith Mebli: The organic look of the wood carvings that Mebli does is incredible. She had an Octopus that was at least five feet tall and incredibly eye catching.
- Carla Bank: Tammy and I were both very taken with Bank’s work, particularly the Blackbird piece. We really enjoyed all of her work.
- Hardwood Music Company: These make such cool and rich sounds, and they look amazing.
- Brian Schmidt: Mazie bought some prints of Schmidt’s last year and his style is very cool, the scenes suck you in.
- Andrew Carson: We’ve had a windmill from Andrew Carson for years and love it. We stopped by his section hoping to say Hello as he announced he is retiring shortly. I particularly find his kinetic sculptures fascinating!
- Tiny People Big Laughs: This is a regular at the art fair and the scenes with miniature people are always great.
- Naomi Tiry Salgado: The detail and scenes in these oil paintings were both modern and classic at the same time.
- A. D. Hogan: His National Parks Collection really struck a chord with me. I loved the style and bold look. Plus I’m a big fan of the National Parks.