Today I went to my 13th Minnebar — I haven’t missed one yet! For the first time ever we had a blizzard to contend with. Usually Minnebar is competing with the first great days of spring. This year, we were worried if people could get to the event because of the snow. This was also the first Minnebar for our new Maria Ploessl, our new Executive Director, to take the lead on. The event went off great, with more coordination than the last couple of years.

The sessions I went to today at Minnebar.

  • Computers Are Easy; People Are Hard with Bridget Kromhout
  • Propelling More Women into the Ranks of Engineering Leadership with Ashley Monseth, Rebecca McCann-Young, Ethan Sommer, Cailin Wertish, and Millicent Walsh
  • Blogging for Fun…..and Profit? with Chris Moffitt
  • Web 3.0: Blockchain May Provide Us the Most Human Version of the Web with Matt Bauwens
  • Pragmatic intro to functional programming with David Price
  • Docker 101 with Rebecca McCann-Young
  • Building Sandcastles with Leah Cunningham

Here are some pictures from some of the sessions I went to.

See also Minnebar collection.