It was nine months ago that we added Izzy to our family. Today we added another dog to the family. His name is Chase!


We adopted Chase today after visiting him on Thursday night. He is about 5 months old and is a Border Collie/Black Lab mix. His color is all Black Lab, and his face has a lot of the Collie in it. He was born in South Dakota and found his way to Minneapolis with a couple of siblings. We found Chase on the Internet (with the unfortunate name of Lurch), while casually considering getting another dog. After visiting him we pondered it for a while and decided to take the leap.

Chase arrived today and for about five hours he and Izzy just ran around chasing each other. Complete and total mayhem. I’m pleased to say that as I write this though they have settled a bit and Chase is actually laying down. First time today.

Chase is going to be high energy and will be a good friend for Izzy. Izzy loves other dogs and will appreciate the company. Chase is going to be very smart, and even at his young puppy stage he’s already learned a few commands. I get a sense he is going to be much easier to train than Izzy. He should get to 40-50 lbs fully grown.

Tammy and I are both considering our moment of insanity. :-) Getting Chase is reminding us how much Izzy has grown since we got her. Welcome to the family Chase!