• Flight home is 2 hours delayed from New York. Other flights are getting cancelled. I’m screwed.
  • Ridiculously frustrated at the lack of WiFi at LGA.
  • A lot of people rebooking for tomorrow. 🙁
  • Flight cancelled. On 6am flight tomorrow. No hotel rooms. Going to Frost & Nixon, then an all-nighter.
  • Got Frost/Nixon ticket. Luggage checked at nearby Marriot. Good for next 4 hours. 🤞
  • In cab to friends couch. Gave up on the “romance” of staying up all night in Times Square.
  • Frost/Nixon was great.
  • So happy to have shelter.
  • Settled down enough to go to sleep now. Up in 4 hours.
  • Up and dressed. Time to try this airport thing again. Thanks Hadar and Lois!
  • Just got a Northwest departure notice via email that says my flight is on time!
  • Observing that in fact NY does sleep.
  • Not sure which is scarier: a taxi driver in clogged traffic or on the open freeway.
  • Through security and at gates. That went way faster than I expected.
  • Flight is boarding!
  • Landed! This saga ends.

See also Stranded in New York.

One of the tweets highlighted in my MarketWatch Farewell Video.