I just initiated a domain transfer of thingelstad.com from Register.com. I finally got fed up with their lackluster service and outrageous prices and am moving away. I’m just posting this because if something goes wrong my site might go off the air temporarily. It shouldn’t, but I always feel a little nervous moving registrars (that’s the main reason I hadn’t done it to this point!).

Top reasons to leave register.com…

  1. WAY too expensive!
  2. Interface for managing your domain is SLOW and clunky.
  3. You cannot create an SPF record using their system! Oi!

Where am I going? GoDaddy! If you watched the Super Bowl you probably saw their ad. 🙂 They are cheap, fast and technically robust.

Now I gotta get out of the house and enjoy this wonderful weather. Taking the camera out to play for the afternoon.