Number of days on the road so far: 14
Mileage on the 2006 Honda Odyssey at the beginning of the trip: 48,139
Mileage on the minivan at the end of the day, June 2nd: 50,738
Total miles driven during Summer of Love: 2,599
The average number of miles driven per day: 185.64
Fewest miles driven in one day: 0
Approximate CO2 footprint for driving portions of the trip, thus far: 963 lbs
Cost of fuel for the trip thus far: $481.13
Cost to offset the carbon emissions of the driving portions of the trip, thus far: $2.41
Cost for fuel per mile driven: $0.1851
Number of hotels stayed in: 6
Total number of photographs taken during the trip so far: 944
Average number of photographs taken per day so far: 67.43
Fewest number of pictures taken in a day thus far: 8